So, I’ve had a busy month. A stressful one, where my mind hasn’t really been in my writing, and sitting down to work for longer than thirty seconds has been a struggle. September 30th hit me before I knew it, and, as I usually do when I’m scrambling to meet a deadline without wanting to take the time to come up with anything new, I started clicking through some abandoned word documents, trying to see if I’d stumble upon a piece of writing that was worth salvaging.
The short answer was no. The real answer is more complicated.
I opened up a document titled “2:30 A.M. on the Second to Last Saturday Before Finals.” I assume, based on the title, that it was written during my one-year stint in law school—at 2:30 A.M. on the second to last Saturday before finals, to be exact. That would mean that I was twenty-two years old when I wrote it, and, more than most pieces I wrote at the time, it showed.