There are certain principles which I am guided by in the best times in my life, and seem to forget when I’m at my worst. One of these is the concept that I am not really in charge, that I have the power to choose between good and evil, but that the proper action is not dictated by me, but by something else. Some primal power. I’ve been calling it ‘God.’
There’s a problem with this, though, which is that as soon as the word ‘God’ starts getting thrown around, meaning is kind of lost. The word has been used in so many different ways that everyone has their own preconceived notion of it and none of them are exactly right. In order for anyone to understand how anyone else uses the word ‘God,’ it’s necessary for the speaker to define their terms.
This is when it starts getting hazy. Whether they believe or disbelieve in his/her/its existence, everyone has some image in their head of what the word ‘God’ means. However, when asked to define it, we’re seldom able to define concretely what we mean.
Here’s my challenge for today: What do I mean when I say the word ‘God’?