Everyone has something they secretly subscribe to. Something that they might never admit to truly believing in, but secretly kind of believe in anyway. It could be something like astrology, or Tarot or palm reading.
I really like numbers.
I guess you could call it “numerology,” although I don’t really know anything about numerology, and have no idea if my strange numerical belief system has anything to do with it.
What I do know is that when John and I were driving to Maine for a trip that would change our lives, we stopped looking at the GPS for a while to pass the time, and when we finally checked it towards the end of the drive, the time was 22:22, and we had 22 minutes and 22 miles left to the trip.
And when I’m writing something and pause in frustration, the word count likes to stop on an interesting number, like 1,234, or 777.
There’s no way that first one was a coincidence. The second might be. It’s the kind of thing that’s easily dismissed by confirmation bias. I’ll be the first to admit that a lot of it is. There’s no way every time I look at the clock and think “wow, it’s 5:55!” that it’s some kind of meaningful event. Like I said, the number thing is silly.
Remember, though, life responds to our thoughts. If you ask for signs, it’ll give you signs.
If you ask for numbers, it’ll give you numbers.
So true. Coincidentally, whenever I look at the clock - it’s 11:11!