“If we were as intelligent as we think we are, we would be looking at the world the same way as an infant: in curious, concentrated awe.”

This quote says it all for me. At this point in my life, I’m realizing now more than ever that what I see, hear and experience in my life is done with concentrated awe. Thanks for bringing this fact to my attention. You now have a new follower as of today- me. Cheers

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That's a great headspace to have reached. Thanks so much for supporting, James.

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Childhood's end, loss of mental flexibility? Logical.

The longer, the more often we do anything this way or that way the stronger it's imprinted on the nerves and ganglia until such paths become so ossified we "KNOW" that this way or that way is the only way.

Parenthetical aside, (Just occurred to me such is true concerning social constructs, societies, cultures as well as individuals, by the way.)

Now leave me alone and go drink your coffee, I've got some, a lot of rocks in my head that need chipping! ;-)

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Thanks so much, Jim!!! :)

& you're totally right—I think this is the physical process that underlies the 'spiritual' one I was considering.

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Interesting thesis. I have often wondered, as I gaze over the intellectual landscape, what is in the water to make the majority of people so unable to think deeper than a mite. Maybe it is me, at 71 years old and incapable of discovering such an answer to my question. I must have lost all my smarts.

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Haha! I don't know about that last statement, but I'm definitely in the same boat—I don't know what to do about this, and it seems to only be getting worse. Thanks for reading!

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Wow Melissa you got right to the Essence. In True Gnostic Esoterics it is known that children up to about 5 or 6 years old know so much and can see into and often participate in other worlds (astral, etheric, parallel dimensions, etc.). This usually gets cut when they start going to school which you intuited in your article.

Years ago my little nephew, about 3 years old, this situation is not unusual, was terrified of going to sleep and would point to monsters above his head when in bed (of course we could not see them but they were very real to him). It was all but impossible to get him to go to bed. A Very Wonderful Incredible Gnostic Lady friend in Australia who ran a For Life Animal Sanctuary sent me a photo of one of her many dog pens, whose dogs had been acting up and looking above their heads but not the other dogs in other nearby pens, and above only that pen was erratic magnetic moving lines (beings) torturing those poor dogs. She found a solution as did we.

Melissa you have a Deep Knowledge which can seem not real to the Unawares.

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I need to look into Gnosticism—I know nothing about it, but often find that it outlines truths that I or others have intuited.

Crazy story about the dogs! & I've seen the same thing happen with my nieces and nephew. My mother can also tell you a story (which scared her pretty badly) in which she woke up to me talking to a 'lady' in my room in the middle of the night, even though there was no one there.

Thank you for your response. You've certainly given me a lot to think about.

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I'm sure you were speaking to 'a lady'!

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