May 27Liked by Melissa Petrie, John Mistretta

Hey John, I loved your review! I read every word. I like your clarity in unpacking, quoting, and even the touches of disappointment. Now why couldn't Eco write like that?! I have been struggling with a book by one of my favorite writers, Agatha Christie, The Secret Adversary. It is a Tommy and Tuppence mystery. I can't believe how confusing it is, and it has very little charm, which is so uncharacteristic of Agatha. Granted, it is one of her least-known books and definitely not what she is famous for, unlike The Name of the Rose! These remind me of bad conductors who kill the energy of a great symphony, while some performances start magically and miraculously carry the energy all the way through to an incredibly satisfying end, like Toscanini with almost anything he records. Ha, maybe our approach to reading it was wrong—perhaps trying to figure out why it failed to capture our hearts and minds? Ha, scratch that idea! ;)

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Thanks for enjoying the review, Michael! I doubt the estate of Umberto Eco would have been as kind to me had they been reading along 😂

I love Agatha Christie too, but haven’t read the one you’re reading…nor will I judging from your thoughts on it so far.

I did a ton of research in trying to find people who shared my opinion of The Name of the Rose and came away with, maybe it is me? More seem to love it than don’t. BUT! Maybe it isn’t us and the books just aren’t that great…

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