Thanks for working on this, brought me to a bunch of new people I haven’t seen on here. Funny coincidence (if there’s such a thing) with @polistra mentioning Ockham who was also mentioned in the prologue to our book club pick The Name of the Rose!

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Hey sister!!

Wow, what a great idea...to compile all of these comments and conversations into one cohesive post. You are epitomizing the very thing that I love so much about Substack and this wonderful community!! It's an honour to be included. Thank you!! :)

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Thank you, Jacqueline! It means a lot :)

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I appreciate what you've got going here. One thing I have noticed in my short time on Substack so far is that I feel my mind expanding and being nourished, my attention span is growing capacity again. I've also notice that the discussions are more respectful and in depth. As opposed to other social media platforms, where I almost feel like I have to dumb myself down in order to converse, people's attention spans are very short it seems, and I find myself on the defensive often because the energy is so volatile. Not to mention the endless cycle of dopaminergic quips gets to feel draining. I'm new around here but I'm loving the atmosphere so far.

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I've noticed the same thing—the depth of the conversations I've had on here is on a completely different level than what is available on any other platform. The people here are interested in reading and thinking and hearing other points of view, while everywhere else, all that is encouraged is anger. We really have something great going on.

Thanks for the subscription. I look forward to hearing you join the discussion in the future!

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