I finally watched Dune Part 2 tonight. Just finished it and posted my review in Notes before ironically reading through this. We'll just have to agree to disagree. The updated Dune, especially part 2, just hurt to watch (as a fan of the book). So many Hollywoodizations I think Frank is spinning in his grave now.

We'll have to agree to disagree on Watcmen too. I like the graphic novel but I think the movie is superior. 🤷‍♂️ I feel it fixed the weak spots in the graphic novel (ducks and runs for cover). 🏃‍♂️

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Haha, I’ll admit that Dune Part 2 dragged on a bit long (and you’re right that it was a complete departure from the book—I feel like it’s a bad adaptation but a good Hollywood film, if that makes sense).

As for Watchmen, it’s just one of those books that I don’t think any movie can really do justice. I do see your point, though, and I admittedly embellished my outrage here for ‘comedic value.’

Agree to disagree it is! :)

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It may get me banned from Substack or hounded to the ends of the earth or something - but I have to say that The Bone Writer is absolutely right. LOTR is much better on film. I saw a comedian discussing this once, who pointed out that LOTR is full of bits like Gandalf poi9jnting out a mountain to the hobbits and giving them a twenty-page history of everything that's ever happened on it. Frodo says, 'So, that's the way we're going then, Gandalf?' and Gandalf turns round, poi9nts in the opposite direction, and says, 'Nope, we're going that way'.

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