Hi Melissa, apologies I've not had much contact recently but family bereavement and other issues prevented discourse. Great piece and you might be interested that I have a facsimile copy of the Typescript/Manuscript of Nineteen Eighty-Four. The original conception of the book probably goes back to at least 1943 and perhaps even to the early part of the Second World War. A 1944 notebook in the Orwell Archive has an outline for 'The Last Man in Europe' (references to that phrase crop up twice in the published novel after Winston's torture). Despite how we value the book today, Orwell offered before the book was published...

"I am not pleased with the book but I am not absolutely dissatisfied. I first thought of it in 1943. I think it is a good idea but the execution could have been better if I had not written it under the influence of T.B. I haven't definitely fixed on the title but I am hesitating between 'Nineteen Eighty-Four' and 'The Last Man in Europe'."

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Sylvia Topp's book his wife, Eileen – The Making of George Orwell while long is enjoyable and interesting.

The fact that Sylvia was married (-or partnered, I don't remember which.) to a beatnik poet living on the lower east side (Back when I was a card carrying latter day beatnik living there, as well as long before my arrival. grin) probably gave her much insight regarding life with a writer.

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Very interesting Melissa! I learned a few new points. In some Consciousness still survives.

Unfortunately it seems to me The Biden Disaster and Trump/Musk "fixing" things will bring in Technoctatic Plutocratic Fascism which fits well 1984. Force dividing the world, once again, between the Communists/Socialists and the Fascist with terrible consequences for humanity.

I'm not Left or Right and I believe that paradigm is one the biggest traps.

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