Jun 20Liked by John Mistretta

Great story John. I usually find when writing comes from life experiences and/or imagination it is very compelling. I think you and Melissa have a lot of both which can be mined.

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That means a lot. Thanks, Albert!!

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Sounds good John.

Though never having met either of you I decided long ago, right after I first started reading T'ing Man, Melissa's both the smart and good looking part of the pair, I suspect she'll keep you on track. ;-)

BTW: Are the Mohawks still THE high steel workers in the NYC area?

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Hopefully you’re right lol. I’m not sure if I saw any of them in my days on the job site.

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Jun 20Liked by John Mistretta

I want one of the first hardcovers, what do I need to do ?? Congrats brother !

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I’ll get a fresh Staples order once I’m done publishing it here. Thanks bro!

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I am looking forward to reading your opus, john. I enjoy Melissa’s work. I enjoyed this smidgen of yours as well.

Thank you.

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Glad you could enjoy some of my writing. Hopefully you enjoy the book too!

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Jun 20Liked by John Mistretta

Looking forward to it John, the excerpt piqued my interest. It's never a bad idea to visit old projects that you thought were not very good, sometimes you find that they aged better than you thought.

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Thanks, Frater! Glad you’re into it. I think it’ll be fun resurrecting this thing from the dead, hopefully I’m right.

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