Jun 22Liked by Melissa Petrie

Great conversation about a favourite subject. Thanks!

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Thanks so much, Joyce!

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Such a fun conversation, though most of it flew over my head!

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Haha! Admittedly, I don’t know if I grasped all of it, either. Thanks for reading!

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Jun 22Liked by Melissa Petrie, John Mistretta

I know the famous saying is “write about what you know,” but it seems to me that to evolve, you would write about what you don’t know?

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You’re totally right—I think writing (or any other artistic pursuit) is ideally a path to discovery, whether this is some philosophical concept or truth about human nature or yourself or whatever.

I think the ‘sweet spot’ is exploring new concepts but keeping it grounded in something you know to avoid trailing off.

(For example, exploring quantum physics that you don't understand using your familiar morning commute).

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Observational induction via the black holes you peer through.

Duality shared with the singular ocular universe.

One for you, one for HIM!😂

2 minutes shaved off , that really is progress! A natural!

Although the cat may feel a bit left out in the cold.😂

They are key......

Anti-gravity cats,

With toast strapped on their backs!

A fantastic song to look up, 🤣

The very secret to free energy and the universe👍!


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