This is spot on. I wish you were able to sit in on the Dibble vs Hancock debate and say this. It would have certainly shut it down immediately..

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What would I have to offer in a post-apocalyptic world? I'm pretty sure the bugs would come after me first. They seem to. It's an interesting point to ponder. Many of us haven't even figured out what we have to offer the world we currently live in.

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Mystics and philosophers, and ancient sages considered the world as an infinite

mystery and man as Its Reflection. In their teachings there are many parallel worlds. This begins the concept of the ASSEMBLAGE POINT in TOLTEC WISDOM.

Human's assemblage point is located between the shoulder blades of the back, behind the Heart Chakra and right below the throat chakra, near the Solar plexus. it is made up of luminous threads that extend out from the body into the WORLD. It is literally an energy field that connects us to all Possibility. the energy field is not in us so much as it surrounds us, but we can feel this energy emanating from the point between our shoulder blades

It is the location where Man projects his thoughts, his perceptions, his beliefs into the WORLD, creating the Material experience of the world.

Man lives in his own delusions, unaware of his ability to create new worlds.

The secret into seeing and creating these new worlds and leaving behind old paradigms is within knowing how to Use your assemblage point.

The world is a blank canvas, or screen (like a green screen) The assemblage point is like the projector of our Thoughts on to this screen in image form. The screen is holographic in nature and what appears on the screen is dimensional and is a complete reflection of you who thinks it.

The Teachings are called Nagualism. Carlos Castaneda was the first to bring these teachings by the Ancient Toltec Warriors to contemporary peoples.

the Assemblage point is THE KEY to the teaching.

For most of us our perceptions of the world are Fixed and stagnant, but when we understand how to use the assemblage point we open up worlds of possibility, we open up New worlds, or parallel worlds.

I mentioned the book Reality Transurfing by Vadim Zeland, who does an excellent job in explaining how to use our assemblage points. How to locate them and how to use them to improve our lives and our views on reality.

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Wow, fascinating stuff. It kind of reminds me of the concept of manifestation, only taken a step further to suggest that we are entirely in control of our own reality. I love the idea of a stagnant conception of reality being what stops someone from utilizing this power.

I ordered a copy of Reality Transurfing. I’ll let you know what I think! Thank you for explaining all this.

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WOW SO COOL!!! I love the book, and Bootsy Greenwood does a great job on Youtube teaching about it. He actually was the one who helped me fully understand the assemblage point, which Zeland calls the 'plait" like a braid, the braid or assemblage of luminous threads that make up the energy. Feel free to contact me if you want to talk about the book!! and YES, it is about manifesting, but most of us do not examine our own beliefs, or perceptions therefore projecting a world that we do not really desire. Of course too, everything is used to distract us from this ability.

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I’ll definitely be able to have a more productive conversation about this after I’ve read the book, but I wonder—why do you think we are being distracted in this way?

Don’t get me wrong, I totally agree with you that it is happening. I’ve always suspected a nefarious force keeping us trapped in our small lives.

The holographic thing kind of broadens the scope, though—it suggests a real battle between good and evil, where the evil forces seem to be winning out.

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my guess is that we are powerful creators, highly imaginative, and biologically designed and capable of carrying out our dreams. Those who do not have these capabilities, have found a way through social engineering, controlling our learning through their education systems, through religion, through man made laws, through stealth of Natural resources, poisoning of our environment, and on and on.. to take away our power or to use it to THEIR benefit, not to ours or the Natural world we are part of. They use our creative imagination to create what they want. This is why they distract us, so that we do not realize that we are NOT here living our own dreams, but creating their world. The WEF, no longer hides their agenda. It was always out in the open , only we have been asleep to their plans, even though They tell us all the time, through hollywood movies, and the Many Authors who have told us point blank how our future is being planned, Orson Wells, Aldous Huxley, George Orwell, take a look at some of the mot famous freemasons


These people knew the secrets of how to create reality, and many of them used these secrets to become great artists, musicians, writers.... And RULERS, persuaders and teachers, having Us build THEIR dreams.

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Put that way, the situation is surprisingly hopeful. If these are our energies that are being co-opted, then we have the power to set the whole thing straight...

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absolutely!!! that is why they try so hard to control us. You got it Girl!!!

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Thank you! This information comes at a very crucial time.

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thanks for your comment.. I suppose I should write a post on it. we have to practice what the Toltec people called RECAPITULATION.. it's a process of examining our beliefs, what we think is true in our perception and what we SEE out in the world. Then we must let go, or clear, or wipe clean these CONcepts that we beLIEve in, TO successfully bring about the world we Wish to SEE. There is this saying "I will believe it when I see it" THIS is WRONG... The way reality works is To put your Belief in something as FOREFRONT. So You first see it in your minds eye, and then upon seeing it in your minds eye you come to believe in its possibility. So It goes like this "I believe it, therefor I shall see it." All the power is in the belief first.. This is how those who govern our minds make it happen.. They TELL US SOMETHING and get us to believe it, without seeing it, The idea has been set in our minds by our belief in it.. and from there we actually create it. Just look at the last 4 years.. No one was sick, then they told us we were all going to face this planned emic, and VOILA, we believed and people got sick. It goes along with the teaching about "faith" Believe first and then faith brings you to SEEING.

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I can only hope that once this so-called "civilization" passes absolutely nothing of it remains or is ever remembered.

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One technology many modern people would likely be able to recreate from scratch is making alcohol. Whether hunter-gatherers would appreciate such a gift, is a wholly different question.

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Very true. Alcohol, maybe some weaponry. Vice has always been the great motivator.

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If anyone reading this knows someone who’s been to Burningman more than once, that’s who you’d want next to you in the face of post apocalyptic madness… for a number of reasons.

They elected to spend their vacation extreme camping in one of the world’s most inhospitable environments (Black Rock Desert in Nevada) with nothing but what they brought in through the gate.

In addition to white out dust storms which can last for days, they face day time temps above 100 degrees which often shift way down to the mid 30’s at night.

Because of (or in spite of) what it takes to survive and thrive in such a hostile environment, burners are some of the funniest, most creative, and resourceful people you’ll ever meet.

Many have built massive temples or created giant interactive art exhibits and at the very least can do what you’ll think are magic tricks with some duct tape, a few zip ties and some electroluminescent wire.

The experience of building a city from nothing in the middle of the desert during summer and then burning it to the ground is something a person’s performance improves at every time they return.

Chances are they might have some substances which will help make the apocalypse a more pleasant if not enjoyable experience.

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I fault your take on it but such is a matter of degree

If fit hit's the shan iPhones, LEDs, satellite links, and even shucky darn, Instapots are gone for generations.

However hardcover, paper Audels manuals from the 1920s, written to be readable by anyone with a 6th grade education back then (Which means at least a eight (OK at least a sixteenth.) of those with college degrees could find such comprehensible today.), contain more than enough information to rebuild a late 19th or early 20th century civilization from the scrap and rubble. I, my son, my savage teenage granddaughter could easily built a low pressure steam boiler, a DC generator, telegraph and even incandescent light (Arc lights are far easier to build and orders of magnitude brighter, -but require far more maintenance and tinkering when running.) from the rubble and the info in Audels and such.

Why yes, I've most of Audels, on paper, on my shelves and in .epub format as well. I've an .epub reader chargeable by a small solar array but I trust the survival of my paper copies better.

Good write by you, quite enjoyed the read, but I think we humans still have a few more dark ages, rises and falls of civilization, before the cockroaches inherit the earth.

BTW, pansy ass city girl (Your words, not mine. GRIN), I picked up many of my Audels manuals, in used book stores when I lived in NYC in the early sixties. Careful perusal you might save the information that might shave centuries of the future dark ages!

Bottom line; you guys write good and thoughtful. Keep on truckin'!

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“The people who know how computers work—not just how to code, but how to actually build a computer and its parts, and how to program the thing to make it operate.”

Absolutely not. Computers are what got us into this mess.

(I say this affectionately; this is a thought-provoking piece that I am enjoying so far.)

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You, John, and Graham Hancock are not thinking clearly. I know that Graham has declared his hatred of God and his Gnostic beliefs. The freemasons who funded the Soviets and Mao and the Japanese militarists were Gnostic and demon worshippers. They helped murder 240 million people in the last century and 110 million so far this century. Hitler and his Nazis were more actively Gnostic. So Graham Hancock has chosen for himself.

God sent the flood. Even the "Younger Dryas impact" theorists agree that the two events that began and ended the Younger Dryas were very strange and unlikely. But they happened because God was sick of you people and your demon worshipping ways, your code enforcement officers who love power more than their neighbours, the thin blue line crowd who love watching the video of Daniel Shaver obeying the police and being deliberately murdered by the cops, and a million other examples every year.

You keep building up and saying that it doesn't matter if you are horrid and evil to each other. So God gets your attention and you don't change. So yes, we have had nine previous high civilisations here.

All of 320,000 years ago we went to Mars. And 310,000 we built a space elevator of graphene and other nanotech. But the people in charge 200,000 years ago invited an embassy from beings seven thousand light years from here and God told them not to do it. So the "beanstalk" fell and the portals to the evil realm were opened. And God sent His angels and destroyed the evil beings who did all that, "and there was a war in heaven."

But the war here has not ended. And it will, soon, be ended. By God.

It is told in Isaiah 30 and in Malachi 4 what to expect. Revelation 18 also describes some of the events that are at hand and soon will change everything.

But should I help you recover? I know all those technologies and have taught them to dozens of people. I know how it works and how to teach people how it works from steam engines to electric generators to circuit boards to vacuum tubes to transistors to nuclear reactors.

But you love having power over each other more than you love your neighbours. And you let child rapists into the White House (today and for generations) and your elderly are treated like garbage and not given support to live in their own homes. So I am not confident that God wants you to carry the Gospels to the farthest stars in every direction and all souls in between.

I think the people here 12,000 years ago deserved what was done. And Graham Hancock doesn't want to admit it. So nothing about the cycle of history hidden primarily by the demon worshippers changes anything. Whether it is 12,000 years or 200,000 years, it is still an open question. Will you love God and your neighbours and yourself? Will you love one another the way Jesus loves you?

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I’d never been compared to Hitler or Mao before; looks like I’ve finally made it.

Thank you for the honor, Jim Davidson.

I commend you—it takes the pattern-spotting skills of an adept pseudoarchaeologist to find the evidence of my demon-worshipping ways and insatiable thirst for power in this lighthearted post about whether city-dwellers today are capable of surviving the apocalypse.

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I was wondering who he meant by 'YOU'... I am certain it is not you Sweet Melissa...omdog which just reminded me about a song... about redemption I do believe.. If anything you are asking all the questions about this world.. in my observation to make it a better world!

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Melissa by the Allman Brothers, great song!

Thanks Kara, that's so sweet. I appreciate you backing me up :)

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