21 hrs agoLiked by Melissa Petrie, John Mistretta

Good on yer youngster, congrads on your upcoming marriage to Melissa although she obviously has poor taste in men(PTIM), picking a callow youth such as you 'stead of a bon vivant 85 year old mature adult such as myself although I do have a 81 y.o. wife wandering about the property here though on the other hand we're both darn lucky they have PTIM else I wouldn't have mine & you wouldn't be getting yours! ;-)

Seriously, heartfelt congratulations and best wishes to both of you!

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I will agree Melissa does seem to have poor taste haha. Thanks Jim!

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7 hrs agoLiked by Melissa Petrie, John Mistretta

I applaud your courage and determination to further your education. I am a high school dropout and an autodidact. I did get my GED on the insistence of my father just to have the paper and say I have my grade 12, but after that it was always books and real life experience that were my teachers.

There has always been a part of me that feels 'inadequate' in that regard, on the one hand, I am very much a proponent of the self taught approach, but I do recognize the value of a curriculum and a formal setting for the pursuit of higher learning - as long as one can come through the process unscathed by the inevitable indoctrination that goes along with much formal education. I'm sure that in your case you will be fine as you came to it with your eyes open and your mind aware of the potential pitfalls.

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Thanks for your comment, Frater. I believe being self taught can be worn as badge of honor. The greatest men I know have little more than a high school education (and some not even grade school). I do believe indoctrination can be a risk for teens going into the university system blind, but from where I stand I think I’m strong enough to be fine, which I appreciate you seeing as well.

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9 hrs agoLiked by Melissa Petrie, John Mistretta

Exciting John! Congratulations to Melissa and you!

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Thanks Albert!

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So proud of you John. Congratulations to you and Melissa!

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Thank you Michael!!

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9 hrs agoLiked by John Mistretta

Zip lining in Montreal ? Who would ever do that ;)

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